Walk outside and look at the blood stain on the ground. When you’re done, she’ll hand over a letter for you to give to Iorveth. Again, there’s no “right” way to do this, so just talk Phillipa as you wish. She’ll show you the second part of the conversation. Go into the room next door to find Margot looking after Derae’s body.

We’re not going to get anything else from her. Read the note at her feet to see that she apparently was Ioverth’s informant in Flotsam. If you captured Iorveth, you’ll find Margot hanging from the ceiling. Cedric can wait for a moment, so I suggest that you follow Dandelion down to Margot’s room in the brothel downstairs. The girl doesn’t know anything else, so you’ll need to ask Margot what happened. Once Triss has finished the conversation, you’ll swing back to the present. Just choose the questions and paths that you wish to get a little bit of information from Dethmold. It’s at this point, after the cutscene, that you’ll get a bit of a body switch. She’ll explain, after a little coaxing, that she and Margot both watched what happened in the room. Walk over and head inside to talk to the woman. Geralt should be able to note a peephole that shows into the brothel rooms next door.

Once you’ve noted these, move to the back right corner. Examine the bloodstain on the floor, and the dead bodyguard in the corner. Walk back outside and up the stairs to enter Sile’s room. Dandelion is the only one with information on Triss, so talk to him. Regardless, go back and work your way into the inn. Note that in that case, you’ll have a chance to save a few groups of nonhumans around Flotsam from angry mobs. There will either be a massive celebration and plenty of toasts, or a bunch of toasting bodies from a riot/massacre in the nonhuman district. The events appear to change fairly drastically depending on who you helped in the fight. You’ll just need to walk back into town with your allies. This one will start automatically after Letho makes his threat against Triss.